
When Walter Harry Horvitz told his sons from his death bed, “Look up, smile and be strong,” little did he know his last words would become the inspiration for a scintillating musical drama – the story of his life.

Brothers, Ron and Andy Horvitz, principals of the 1•1•1 Group, have co-written the musical, Can’t You See That I’m In Love?! – – a real life love story from The Greatest Generation whose inspiration and torch have been passed on – – to span generations.

Comprised of 20 of Walt’s original songs — memorable show tunes, love ballads, and song & dance numbers, punctuated by his resounding spiritual and patriotic hymns — the musical is currently in its developmental phase. The 1•1•1 Group presents the show’s full theme song and musical highlights from several keynote songs here:

Theme Song

Keynote Song Highlights

Can’t You See That I’m In Love?! showcases the whirlwind World War II romance of Walt, then a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, and Maxine Brenner, a volunteer in the U.S. War Rationing program – Walt and Mac falling in love on a blind date while he was on shore leave in Seattle. The show dramatically and humorously relives their 56-year marriage, intertwining themes of love, patriotism, a “family” business, betrayal, and emotional setbacks and recovery.

The 1•1•1 Group is seeking to partner with a dynamic production team in producing an all new Broadway musical!

Can’t You See That I’m In Love?! is sure to resonate compellingly to a broad theatre audience and to the challenges faced by America – and Americans – today.

Set the stage to partner in a “can’t miss” Broadway musical! Contact Andy Horvitz –ahorvitz@horvitzcommunications.com and Ron Horvitz – rbhesq73@hotmail.com today for the full musical script and score, and to learn more.